Oct 09, 2001

Micronas 將在聯電生產全球首顆類比 / 數位混合式電視解碼器晶片 (Hybrid Analog/Digital TV Decoder Chip)

德國 IC 大廠 Micronas 今 (9日) 宣佈,將採用聯電之先進製程技術來生產業界首顆類比 / 數位混合式電視解碼器晶片 (hybrid analog / digital TV decoder IC),其代號為 MDE 9500。MDE 9500 為 Micronas 所生產的混合信號解碼器 (mixed-signal decoder) 系列之一,採用聯電的 0.18 微米製程技術製造,將用以打入極具商機之類比 / 數位混合式電視市場 。 Micronas 將會使用許多聯電的尖端技術資源,其中包括在混合信號電晶體 (mixed-signal transistors) 及高密度記憶體 (high-density memory) 的解決方案。此外,聯電與 Micronas 也將共同進一步運用嵌入式 DRAM 技術 (embedded DRAM technology) 以符合在 Integrated Digital Television (IDTV) 應用所需高解析度影像之要求。

Micronas Munich GmbH 公司總經理兼 Micronas 集團 Business Operation 副總 Hans Schwendner 表示:"Micronas 已選擇聯電為生產我們尖端 IC 的晶圓專工夥伴。聯電將提供高品質製程及許多技術資源,使我們能在系統整合解決方案中成功地推出新產品。"

聯電歐洲區副總 Felix Hu 表示:"所有的資料都顯示 IDTV 應用產品有極大的潛在市場。Micronas 以 MDE 9500 顯示其將成為此市場主導廠商的決心。聯電很榮幸能在提供先進製程技術之同時,也在這 Digital / Analog TV 之市場潮流中扮演一重要角色。

Cahners In-Stat Group 預測,全球數位電視 (Digital TV) 市場將在 2004年達到 40 億美金的規模,而在 2000 年時只有 8 億美金的市場。MDE 9500 digital TV engine 是針對此一市場為目標,讓電視製造業者能在發展有成本效益之數位電視的同時,也仍在現有的類比式電視市場保有競爭力。只要消費者能了解其穩定性及安全性,多媒體家用平台 (Multimedia Home Platform -MHP) 標準的推出,將會促使消費者進一步在互動式 TV 接收器上投資。

About the MDE 9500 chip

The MDE 9500 mixed-signal decoder family combines all of the network-independent digital signal process tasks of digital receivers while also supporting analog video processing. The high-performance graphic system supports all DVB recommendations, embedded TV applications and upcoming services like interactive TV. Furthermore, the chip features interfaces to address external devices such as IEEE 1394 link layer and ATA/IDE hard-disk drives. The interfaces and the system partitioning are adjustable to different TV systems enabling the manufacturers to build up complete system solutions.

The MDE 9500 also meets the requirements of the multimedia home platform (MHP) standard. MHP will enable a fully horizontal digital TV market by defining an open and standardized programming interface for interactive TV applications. A unified market of MHP receivers, editing tools and content creation resources will provide economies of scale and a considerable market potential to all involved players. The MDE 9500 offers a platform that meets all the MHP requirements.

關於 Micronas

Micronas (SWX: MASN, Neuer Markt Frankfurt: MNSN), a semiconductor company group with worldwide operations, is a leading supplier of cutting-edge IC and sensor system solutions for consumer electronics, multimedia and automotive electronics. The holding is headquartered in Zurich (Switzerland). Currently, the Micronas group employs over 1500 people. In 2000, it generated over CHF 490 Million in sales. For more information on Micronas and its products, please visit www.micronas.com.


聯華電子 新聞聯絡

顏勝德 (Sandy Yen)

+886-2-2700-6999 ext. 6968


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