Jul 24, 2002

聯電替 Intellon 成功製造出 INT51X1 單晶片電力線網路解決方案

聯華電子與電力線網路 (powerline networking) 領導廠商 Intellon 公司共同宣佈以聯電 0.15 微米 CMOS 製程技術成功製造的下一代 Intellon HomePlug 1.0 之電力線通訊晶片已經問世了,並且命名為 INT51X1。此晶片運用了許多 IP 資源 (也包括聯電之 IP) 將數種元件整合至單一系統晶片 (SOC) 上,其中包含了 USB 1.1、Ethernet、MII interfaces、ADC、DAC 及 AGC 控制器等。

Intellon 的執行長 Charles E. Harris 表示:聯電對於 INT51X1 之成功產出有很大的貢獻。聯電不僅提供了先進的 0.15 微米製程技術,更結合了聯電優秀的客戶服務團隊及服務,使我們能夠成功地將此設計透過聯電技術而化為成品。

聯電全球行銷及市場開發業務長劉富臺博士表示:聯電的製程技術讓許多產品有突破性發展之可能,如今發展快速的網路領域也受益。INT51X1 是一個非常具競爭力的下一代電力線網路產品,我們很高興經由聯電的努力促成了 Intellon 客戶的 INT51X1 產品產出成功。

藉由現有的電力線,先進的 INT51X1 通訊技術將能以 14Mbps 之傳輸速度來連接多種消費性及商業性產品。使用者只需藉由普通的家用或公司電源插座,即可共享網際網路資源或連接多台電腦及其他裝置。INT51X1 之運用範圍非常廣泛,涵蓋住宅 (家用)、商業用途 (公司、社區、旅館、倉庫),甚至到運輸及國防裝置上皆可使用。

Intellon 公司之單晶片電力線解決方案 INT51X1 已順利製造成功,Intellon 目前所下的訂單可望於今年九月在聯電量產。INT51X1 產品本身也有配有一套完整的設計參考資源,多元化的軟、硬體及製造資源使製造商能更輕而易舉地製造出零售產品。

關於 Intellon

Intellon is the leader in high-speed powerline connectivity, allowing consumers to share Internet connections, stream digital audio and video, and network devices using existing power outlets. Intellon's PowerPacket technology, selected by the HomePlug Powerline Alliance as the basis for its industry specification 1.0 following a 500-home test, is built on more than 11 years of experience working in the powerline environment. Intellon is a founding sponsor and member of the board of directors of the HomePlug Powerline Alliance.

Intellon's powerline networking technology is already available in retail channels from such leading home networking companies as Linksys, Netgear, Phonex and Asoka. Numerous consumer electronics manufacturers are working with Intellon to develop a wide variety of HomePlug-compliant devices, including Internet gateways, PC adapters and routers, cable modems and entertainment and security systems.

Intellon's intellectual property is protected by a significant patent portfolio. The company's investors include industry leaders Motorola, SONICblue, Compaq Computer Corporation and Philips Electronics, as well as venture firms like Fidelity Investors, TL Ventures and Enertech and the venture arms of HydroQuebec, Exelon and Duchossois Industries. News from Intellon is available at www.intellon.com.

Note Concerning Forward-Looking Statements
Some of the statements in the foregoing announcement are forward looking within the meaning of the U.S. Federal Securities laws, including statements about future outsourcing, wafer capacity, technologies, business relationships and market conditions. Investors are cautioned hat actual events and results could differ materially from these statements as a result of a variety of factors, including conditions in the overall semiconductor market and economy, acceptance and demands for products, and technological and development risks.


聯華電子 新聞聯絡

顏勝德 (Sandy Yen)

+886-2-2700-6999 ext. 6968


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