Dec 09, 2003

聯華電子為 Silicon Wave 公司製造 SiW3500™ UltimateBlue™ 單晶片藍芽 IC

聯華電子與 Silicon Wave 公司今日 (9日) 共同宣佈:聯電已採用 0.18 微米射頻製程製造 Silicon Wave 公司最新的藍芽單晶片 IC-SiW3500。Silicon Wave 公司在 11 月發表的 SiW3500 為其單晶片解決方案中的最新產品;先前推出的 SiW3000 及 SiW1712 兩種單晶片,已由聯電大量生產並出貨至 Silicon Wave 公司的客戶手中。SiW3500 UltimateBlue IC 樣品供應將於 2004 年 1 月由 RF Micro Devices 公司負責,以其作為Silicon Wave 公司在 CMOS 單晶片無線處理器和獨立式無線數據藍芽解決方案的全球通路夥伴。此新的 SiW3500 藍芽單晶片,將在 San Jose 會議中心舉行的 Bluetooth Americas 2003 會場中,於 RF Micro Device 公司與 Silicon Wave 公司的共同合作展區,展區編號 128 中亮相。

Silicon Wave 公司商業開發與產品行銷副總 Steve Brown 先生表示:SiW3500 UltimateBlue 藍芽晶片不但具備卓越的射頻效能,更可降低我們客戶的成本,短縮其產品之上市時程。聯電長久以來於製造精密通訊晶片上所建立的優良紀錄,更是提供我們客戶製造穩定度高,且具成本效益之高效能晶片的最佳保證。

聯電美洲事業群總經理劉富臺先生表示:IC 晶片順利的整合產出需要專業的設計知識,並由研發與專業製造雙方的整體協力合作;整合聯電的射頻製程技術與 Silicon Wave 公司卓越的 IC 設計能力,Silicon Wave 公司成功地推出 UltimateBlue Bluetooth 的解決方案。我們很高興能與 Silicon Wave 公司密切的合作,共同開發出此一優良晶片。其中,聯電提供的強力支援與專業製造技術,是此產品能符合研發時程目標推出的主要致勝關鍵。

SiW3500 UltimateBlue IC

SiW3500 UltimateBlue 單晶片藍芽 IC 的特色在直接轉換架構,係根據手機中的 RF 不利環境進行最佳化,並使其具有低旁生發射雜訊及高射普頻蔽特性;創新的射頻系統單晶片,簡化印刷電路板 (PCB) 設計上並減少研發時程,讓 SiW3500 藍芽晶片 IC 輕鬆地整合至手機上。SiW3500 晶片是一個完整的平台,可執行其他上層協定堆疊和應用軟體功能,包括其他複雜的音效處理演算法,例如:毋需單獨的數位訊號處理 (Digital Signal Processing, DSP) 雜訊消除。此晶片為藍芽 1.2 標準版新功能,包括更快的連線速度及其他的特色。如:改善藍芽與其他 2.4GHz 設備共存性的自適應跳頻 (Adaptive Frequency Hopping, AFH) 並改進聲音傳輸 SCO 的擴展 (eSCO) 功能。

Note Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

Some of the statements in the foregoing announcement are forward looking within the meaning of the U.S. Federal Securities laws, including statements about future outsourcing, wafer capacity, technologies, business relationships and market conditions. Investors are cautioned that actual events and results could differ materially from these statements as a result of a variety of factors, including conditions in the overall semiconductor market and economy; acceptance and demand for products; and technological and development risks.

About Silicon Wave

Based in San Diego, Silicon Wave is a leading provider of low-power, highly integrated RF communication system components for the global Bluetooth wireless market. Silicon Wave products and services include single-chip radio processors, stand-alone radio modems, baseband processors, software solutions and a baseband IP licensing program. Founded in 1997, the company was the first to deliver a fully qualified, single-chip radio modem for Bluetooth communications and first to achieve Bluetooth Specification Version 1.1 qualification for its products. Silicon Wave is an Associate Member of the Bluetooth Special Interest Group. The company's Web site is located at

About UMC

UMC (NYSE: UMC, TSE: 2303) is a leading global semiconductor foundry that manufactures advanced process ICs for applications spanning every major sector of the semiconductor industry. UMC delivers cutting-edge foundry technologies that enable sophisticated system-on-chip (SOC) designs, including 90nm copper, 0.13um copper, embedded DRAM, and mixed signal/RFCMOS. UMC is also a leader in 300mm manufacturing; Fab 12A in Taiwan is currently in volume production for a variety of customer products, while Singapore-based UMCi is now in pilot production. UMC employs over 8,500 people worldwide and has offices in Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Europe, and the United States. UMC can be found on the web at


聯華電子 新聞聯絡

顏勝德 (Sandy Yen)

+886-2-2700-6999 ext. 6968

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