Apr 20, 2004

葡商 Chipidea 公司的 USB2.0 OTG 高速 IP 核心成功通過聯華電子 0.13 微米製程驗證

聯華電子今日 (20日) 與提供數位及混合信號,以及高速 USB OTG (On-The-Go) IP 之葡商 Chipidea 公司共同宣佈,Chipidea 的 CI12323ul USB 高速 OTG 物理介面 (PHY) IP 核心已經通過聯華電子 0.13 微米製程驗證,在聯華電子 Gold IP 方案內達到 “銀級”,並且已可開始提供聯華電子客戶設計生產使用。這項核心主要是針對設計攜帶式電子產品晶片的客戶而推出,例如手機和 PDA 等,讓每個電子產品之間可以直接連結。

“這項針對聯華電子 0.13 微米製程推出的 CI12323ul USB OTG 核心,證明了 Chipidea 一直以來的堅持和努力,就是要讓更多客戶得以使用其 IP 核心;同時這項發展也將使我們的客戶在晶片尺寸及效能上更具有競爭優勢。” Chipidea 的 IP 連接解決方案事業線的事業發展經理 Milton Sousa 表示,“在這項最新的研發之前,我們的 USB OTG 高速核心 CI12295ug 也已通過了聯華電子 0.18 微米製程驗證。這項 IP 將會進一步運用在發展具有 USB Low Pin Interface (ULPI) 介面的積體電路上-Chipidea 預計將於今年七月推出。”

CI12323ul USB OTG 是一種能支援 UTMI+ 的高速物理介面 IP,並且不管在主機,一般裝置或兼具兩種功能的應用設備上皆可使用。CI12323ul 的套件包括所有的後端資料 (GDSII, 佈局與佈線摘要與計時資訊),以及一個模擬模型:包括快速啟動的測試平台 (testbench) 和內容涵蓋規格、測試、裝配和生產的詳細矽特性報告等文件。CI12323ul 的核心面積為 0.9 平方公厘,而在高速傳輸模式下,最大電流消耗僅達 47 毫安培,提供了一個高性能、高功率又符合成本效益的解決方案,也是目前攜帶式裝置不可或缺的重要特性。

聯華電子設計支援部部長劉康懋表示,“聯華電子了解我們客戶在攜帶式消費性電子產品市場上的設計需要,同時也將持續致力於滿足其需求。採用聯華電子經過驗證之 0.13 微米製程平台的類比與混合信號晶片設計者,將可透過我們 Gold IP 方案取得 Chipidea 的 USB 2.0 IP 核心。我們十分重視與 Chipidea 的這項合作,也期望將來繼續攜手創造更多豐碩的成果。”

About USB On-The-Go

USB OTG (On-The-Go), (announced in February 2004, see http://www.chipidea.com/website_45c/index.html), is a supplement to the USB 2.0 specification, brings the additional feature of allowing portable devices to act as a limited host and exchange data directly with each other without requiring a PC to act as the host. It is estimated that more than 1.4 billion products are designed with USB ports, making USB the predominant I/O connectivity standard in the market. USB On-The-Go (OTG) enhances the USB specification by allowing point-to-point communication between devices. As devices like mobile phones and PDAs gain in popularity and intelligence, the requirement for a direct connection to each other is also growing. The answer to this requirement is the standard called USB On-The-Go. For more information on the USB2.0 OTG core and other products of Chipidea please consult the web site at www.chipidea.com.

About UMC's Gold IP Program

UMC's Gold IP program provides customers with an industry leading selection of IP resources through collaboration with worldwide IP vendors to establish a solution-based IP pool. This vast offering of compatible IP elements is optimized for cost, portability, and reusability for easy incorporation into an SOC in a plug and play fashion. The results are then coded online at UMC's IP Master system & Gold IP catalog as Bronze: softcore available, Silver: silicon verified through UMC's Silicon Shuttle multi-chip test wafer program, and Gold: mass production proven.

About Chipidea Microelectrónica, SA

Chipidea is a leading semiconductor IP Company headquartered in Portugal providing solutions for complex connectivity, analog, mixed-signal and digital signal processing applications. Chipidea works together with all major open foundries as well as captive fabs from global semiconductor firms. Its broad portfolio ranges from AD/DA converters to Codecs, Power and Clock Management, AFEs for digital media and communications, wireless transceivers and USB physical interfaces. Chipidea employs over 160 people worldwide, with plans to reach 250 in 2006, and has offices in Europe, North America and Asia. Chipidea can be found on the web at http://www.chipidea.com.


聯華電子 新聞聯絡

顏勝德 (Sandy Yen)

+886-2-2700-6999 ext. 6968


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