May 18, 2004

聯華電子與誠致科技攜手推出亞洲第一個 ADSL2+ 解決方案

聯華電子與領導台灣寬頻通訊 IC 設計的誠致科技今日 (18日) 共同宣佈,誠致科技採用聯華電子 0.18 微米製程技術,推出亞洲第一個 ADSL2+ 解決方案。誠致科技的 TC3162 ADSL2+ 晶片是 xDSL 產品群的第二代產品,整合了高效能網路處理器與離散多頻技術 (DMT) 之數位信號處理器,是為了因應 ADSL2+ 用戶終端設備 (CPE) 市場的成本與效能需求所設計。

“我們所推出的新 TC3162 系統單晶片是 ADSL 市場上的一大突破,尤其是 TC3162 使用了強大的 200MHz RISC 處理器,以及最小的 128 接腳 LQFP 封裝,並且可支援 ADSL2+ 完整特性”誠致科技總經理方新舟表示,“我們需要半導體晶圓專工領導者來作為合作夥伴,以確保我們產品於矽製程階段的成功。聯華電子在製造精密產品以及通訊相關晶片上擁有優異紀錄與豐富經驗,因此我們深信聯華電子是我們在產品製造上的最佳晶圓專工選擇。擁有最頂尖晶圓專工夥伴的支持,以及具備所有量產需要的條件,我們將能掌握市場的致勝契機。”

誠致科技的 TC3162 晶片組解決方案是第一個由亞洲公司根據第二代 ADSL 標準所推出的系統單晶片。在此解決方案中,誠致科技提供了參考設計,可支援乙太網路與 USB,可整合 802.11g WiFi 規格,並且包含所有橋接器與路由器所需的硬軟體。

聯華電子新事業發展部資深副總經理劉鴻源表示,“聯華電子持續與每一個客戶進行緊密的合作,以確保客戶產品得以在最短的可能時間內,使用聯華電子製程成功生產。這種合作模式讓我們可以協助客戶推出涵蓋各應用領域的市場領先產品,包含新的 ADSL2+ 標準。此次與誠致科技共同生產其新世代 ADSL 解決方案,我們對於這樣的合作成果感到十分的高興。”


TC3162 samples and its combo router reference design are available now. For more information, please contact TrendChip and its representatives. TC3162 supports all key features in ADSL2+ such as ADSL, ADSL2, ADSL2+, and READSL (Reach Extended ADSL). It complies with ITU-T G.992.1, G.992.2, G.992.3, G.992.4, and G.992.5 with Annex A, B, I, and J capabilities.

About the TC3162 Chip

TrendChip provides a total ADSL2+ turnkey solution including the chipset (TC3162 and TC3084 highly integrated analog front end), software, and reference design. There are two versions in TC3162: TC3162L1 supports Ethernet and USB while TC3162P1 supports Ethernet, USB and PCI for WLAN integration to form a complete solution for ADSL2+ residential gateway. TrendChip's broadband software solution features rich networking protocols used in ADSL modem and home gateway solution. Furthermore, TrendChip recently delivered the ADSL Pure Bridge software solution that provides the most cost competitive solution for large-scale deployment.

About ADSL2+

ADSL2+ is the new standard approved by the ITU in January 2003. It is capable of up to 25Mbits/s downstream data rates. It also provides an optional mode that doubles the upstream bandwidth. These higher bandwidths allow Service Providers to provide the "Triple Play" (Voice, Data and Video) to customers. In addition, ADSL2+ provides better power management and remote network management; both are critical to large-scale deployment by Service Providers.

About TrendChip Technologies Corporation

TrendChip Technologies Corporation, founded in 2001, is a fast growing startup in the xDSL IC design business. TrendChip delivered TC3160, its first ADSL product in xDSL family, in July 2003. This first generation product is widely adopted by major ADSL CPE vendors and telecom operators over the world. TrendChip is a member of ADSL Consortium at UNH (University of New Hampshire) and actively participates the related ADSL2+ standard activities such as T1E1. TrendChip is headquartered at Suite 215, Bldg. 53, No.195, Sec.4, Chung Hsing Rd. Chutung. Hsinchu, Taiwan 310,


聯華電子 新聞聯絡

顏勝德 (Sandy Yen)

+886-2-2700-6999 ext. 6968

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