Oct 27, 2004

聯華電子已為 ATI 產出 2000 萬個 RADEON 9200 晶片

聯華電子今日 (27日) 宣佈,已為 ATI Technologies 產出第 2000 萬個 RADEON 9200 晶片。該晶片採用聯華電子 0.15 微米製程,在聯華電子位於台南的 12 吋晶圓廠 12A,以及新竹的 8 吋晶圓廠量產,能提供切合個人電腦所需的繪圖功能。

聯華電子美洲事業群總經理劉富臺表示,“身為聯華電子長期的合作夥伴,ATI 持續展現了其在個人電腦繪圖晶片產業的領導能力。我們非常高興能夠推出第 2000 萬個 RADEON 9200 晶片,特別是我們在 12 吋晶圓上達到了極高良率,以及極低缺陷密度的目標。”

ATI Technologies 的個人電腦事業單位資深副總 Rick Bergman 表示,“藉由與聯華電子合作生產,我們成功地提供了世界級的繪圖功能給對於價格較敏感的消費者。有了聯華電子的協助,我們的 RADEON 9200 晶片,已成為針對全球個人電腦的最佳解決方案。”

About the RADEON 9200

The RADEON 9200 graphics chip is powered by an advanced quad-pipe rendering architecture and features a full suite of performance and image quality-enhancing technologies including advanced shader support and streaming video de-blocking capabilities. The RADEON 9200 products deliver an enhanced visual experience for personal computers.

About ATI Technologies

ATI Technologies Inc. is a world leader in the design and manufacture of innovative 3D graphics and digital media silicon solutions. An industry pioneer since 1985, ATI is the world's foremost visual processor unit (VPU) provider and is dedicated to deliver leading-edge performance solutions for the full range of PC and Mac desktop and notebook platforms, workstation, set-top and digital television, game console and handheld markets. With 2004 revenues of US $2 billion, ATI has more than 2,700 employees in the Americas, Europe and Asia. ATI common shares trade on NASDAQ (ATYT) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (ATY). ATI can be found on the web at www.ati.com.


聯華電子 新聞聯絡

顏勝德 (Sandy Yen)

+886-2-2700-6999 ext. 6968


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