Oct 09, 2006

聯華電子低功率製程協助 Actel 公司於 IGLOO 競爭中勝出

聯華電子與美商 Actel 公司今日 (9日) 共同宣佈,雙方已合作進行 Actel IGLOOTM 產品群的生產,這是業界最低功率的 FPGA 產品。聯華電子的 0.13 微米低功率與 e-Flash 製程,與 Actel 的 IGLOO 功率模式選擇與 Flash*FreezeTM 技術,將使功率消耗得以降低至 5 μW,創下了業界的嶄新標準。

Actel 公司創辦人暨技術與營運資深副總裁 Esmat Hamdy 博士表示,“我們在八月時推出了 IGLOO 這個突破性的元件,提供給可攜式產品市場一個比最接近的競爭者要少四倍的靜態功率消耗,且電池壽命比目前於可攜式產品市場內領先的 PLD 產品要長五倍的選擇。”

“在我們計劃展開生產並選擇晶圓專工夥伴時,具有經驗證低功率快閃記憶體製程技術,並且能與我們可重複編程 ProASIC3 FPGA 架構的低功率優勢相輔相成,是我們最重要的考量。身為晶圓專工業界領導者,聯華電子充分滿足了我們產品在生產上的獨特需要。”

聯華電子美洲事業群總經理劉富臺博士表示,“Actel 是全球單晶片 FPGA 解決方案的領導者。他們決定採用聯華電子作為其 IGLOO 產品群的首要晶圓專工合作夥伴,彰顯了在發展可攜式產品的低功率系統單晶片上,聯華電子製程技術所擁有的卓越聲譽。”

About Actel's IGLOO Product Family

The Actel IGLOO family features up to three million system gates and builds upon the characteristics of Actel's successful ProASIC3 flash FPGAs, such as live-at-power-up and secure AES-based in-system programmability. The only low-power FPGA solution to support 1.2V, the Actel IGLOO family has several power modes to optimize power consumption – the Flash*Freeze mode, a low-power active mode and a sleep mode. The Actel IGLOO family offers up to 616 user I/Os, six phase-locked loops (PLLs), 504kbits of RAM and 350MHz performance in both commercial and industrial grades.

About Actel

Actel Corporation is the leader in single-chip FPGA solutions. The Company is traded on the NASDAQ National Market under the symbol ACTL and is headquartered at 2061 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, Calif., 94043-4655. For more information about Actel, visit http://www.actel.com. Telephone: 888-99-ACTEL (992-2835).

Note From UMC Concerning Forward-Looking Statements
Some of the statements in the foregoing announcement are forward looking within the meaning of the U.S. Federal Securities laws, including statements about future outsourcing, wafer capacity, technologies, business relationships and market conditions. Investors are cautioned that actual events and results could differ materially from these statements as a result of a variety of factors, including conditions in the overall semiconductor market and economy; acceptance and demand for products from UMC; and technological and development risks.

The Actel is a registered trademark of Actel Corporation. The Actel IGLOO and Flash*Freeze names and logos are trademarks of Actel Corporation. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.


聯華電子 新聞聯絡

顏勝德 (Sandy Yen)

+886-2-2700-6999 ext. 6968


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