Nov 27, 2006

聯華電子與美商 Clear Shape 公司合作推出 DFM 驅動設計流程

聯華電子今日 (27日) 與變異分析及最佳化解決方案的領導者美商 Clear Shape 公司共同宣佈,雙方經過 18 個月的合作,推出 DFM (可製造性導向設計) IC 設計流程。這項流程能讓設計公司快速且精確地控制設計參數與良率上的系統變異,並使之最佳化。

透過使用 Clear Shape 公司的旗鑑產品-快速全晶片設計可製造性檢測器 InShapeTM 與快速全晶片參數異變分析與最佳化工具 OutPerformTM,這項 DFM 驅動奈米 IC 設計流程能讓設計公司執行良率與參數熱點偵測與修復。這些工具與聯華電子之加密 DFM 數據技術檔案相結合,便能產生快速、精確、以模型為基礎的分析與最佳化方案。

“Clear Shape 公司的 InShape 設計可製造性檢測器、OutPerform 電子 DFM 分析以及最佳化產品,是針對我們當前 65 奈米設計的綜合性 DFM 良率最佳化方案中,令人欣喜的新成員,”聯華電子系統架構設計部門系統單晶片設計總工程師林子聲表示。“我們與最佳的 DFM 供應商合作,提供矽智財、SPICE 模型與設計流程,讓使用者從設計到製造階段,都能獲得良率提昇的知識。”

聯華電子與 Clear Shape 公司的合作呈現了非常精確的成果-因為速度夠快,所以能夠應用在佈局繞線上。這項解決方案預計在今年年底前提供給聯華電子的客戶使用。

“Clear Shape 公司與聯華電子一直緊密合作,設法應付 IC 設計上系統變異帶來的不確定性, ” Clear Shape 公司總裁與執行長 Atul Sharan 表示,“與聯華電子合作研發閉式迴路電子 DFM 解決方案,是我們的榮幸,透過聯華電子的製造資訊,無晶圓廠半導體公司便能快速、精確且以模型為基礎的方式,預測並且應付潛在的參數與良率問題。

About InShape and OutPerform

InShapeTM is the first model-based full-chip Design Manufacturability Checker which allows designers to improve yield during physical design implementation by quickly and accurately accounting for systematic manufacturing variations. InShape provides designers with DFM hotspot detection and enables repair based on fast, silicon-accurate contour shape prediction across the process window.

OutPerformTM is the first electrical DFM analysis and optimization product to control and optimize the impact of systematic variability on designers' chip parameters using fab manufacturing data, capturing the effects of RET, OPC, CMP, mask, etch and lithography on both device and interconnect. OutPerform takes in designers' physical design and timing data, along with encrypted fab technology files and critical dimension (CD) data from silicon contour shapes predicted by InShape across the process window, and automatically produces a DFM electrical hotspot report for timing and leakage power. OutPerform also creates optimization directives for timing that can be input to the designers' place and route or layout tool.

About Clear Shape

Clear Shape Technologies, Inc. is focused on delivering a complete Variability Platform that allows designers to control and optimize the parametric and catastrophic impact of systematic manufacturing variations. Clear Shape's products are based on patent-pending technologies enabling designers to efficiently achieve entitled performance and yield. Clear Shape's flagship product InShapeTM is in the DFM qualification program of all the major pure-play foundries and has been silicon-correlated at several IDMs. OutPerform, industry's first eDFM product has also been silicon validated. Clear Shape is backed by top-tier venture investors that include USVP, Intel Capital and KT Ventures (KLA Tencor). The company is headquartered at 3255-3 Scott Blvd, Suite 102 Santa Clara, Calif. 95054. For more information, visit or call +1 (408) 833-7130.

InShape and OutPerform are trademarks of Clear Shape. All other legal marks are the property of UMC.

Note From UMC Concerning Forward-Looking Statements
Some of the statements in the foregoing announcement are forward looking within the meaning of the U.S. Federal Securities laws, including statements about future outsourcing, wafer capacity, technologies, business relationships and market conditions. Investors are cautioned that actual events and results could differ materially from these statements as a result of a variety of factors, including conditions in the overall semiconductor market and economy; acceptance and demand for products from UMC; and technological and development risks.


聯華電子 新聞聯絡

顏勝德 (Sandy Yen)

+886-2-2700-6999 ext. 6968

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