Dec 08, 2006

聯華電子與 Integrand 公司進一步合作,強化 90 奈米與 0.13 微米 RFCMOS 設計功能

聯華電子與電子設計自動化軟體公司 Integrand Software,今日 (8日) 共同宣佈,兩家公司持續強化進行中的合作,為使用 90 奈米與 0.13 微米製程的射頻 / 混合信號 IC 設計公司,提供新的進展與更佳的功能。在創造 Metal-Oxide-Metal (MOM) 電容器與電感器的可定標模式上,採用了 Integrand 的 EMX 與 EMX-Continuum 工具。這些可定標模式連結 Optimum Capacitor Finder (OCFTM) 與 Optimum Inductor Finder (OIFTM),都屬於聯華電子晶圓專工設計套件 (FDK) 的一部份。

“我們很高興與聯華電子擴展兩者的合作關係,以提供新的設計工具與精準的模型給 RFCMOS 設計公司,”Integrand Software 公司的總裁 Sharad Kapur 博士表示,“現今電感器與電容器的可定標模式可涵蓋 0.13 微米與 90 奈米製程。針對聯華電子 MOM 電感器的新可定標模式與 Optimum Inductor Finder (OCF) 組合成獨特的解決方案,能解決電感器合成問題。”

模型準確度已經通過驗證,只在感應係數與電流容量測量的幾個百分比之內,更敏感的參數如品質因數 (Q),也已通過驗證。除此之外,在聯華電子 FDK 中也已建立了介面,可以直接存取 EMX 模擬引擎。這不僅提供了設計公司從聯華電子設計單元資料庫中,在實際電路環境 (被其他元件與互連系統包圍) 下模擬元件的能力,也讓設計公司使用聯華電子通過驗證的製程技術檔案與 Intergrand 公司的 EMX,來自行展現其客製化的設計。此外,EMX 中新的 DFM 分析能力,讓設計公司得以研究製程變異的不同影響與參數良率的最大值。

Integrand 公司的 OCF 是一個以 GUI 為基礎的合成工具,目前已經應用在 FDK 中,讓聯華電子的客戶能獲得他們需要的感應係數,並且在品質因素和面積間取得最好的平衡。這些模型非常準確,並且通過矽晶圓測量的驗證。這些模型同時也包含無作用填充與基板耦合作用。與 OIF 類似,OC F與 FDK 的整合能提供逆向注解,以驅動聯華電子的 Schematic Driven Layout。此外,Spice 模式參數成幾何級數增加,能讓電子設計自動化工具-佈局寄生擷取 (LPE) 工具自 GDS 資料庫擷取 post-layout 模擬的模式參數。

“於我們研究室進行的實驗,顯示這項工具在不同的設計空間上的準確度,”聯華電子系統架構設計支援部門的設計工具支援與 DFM 副總葉隆慶博士表示 ,“在 FDK 中 OIF 與 OCF 的整合,結合經過驗證的可定標元件模式,提供獨特的解決方案,讓我們的客戶可以在極短的時間之內,直接合成例如電感器與電容器等最理想的被動元件。我們客戶的電路板設計與執行效率,都將因此獲得提昇,也會加速他們產品上市的時程。”


EMX-Continuum: UMC used the EMX-Continuum software to create scalable capacitor and inductor models that have several important features:

  • The scalable models are standard RLCK Spice which guarantees correct noise modeling when doing Spice-level simulation.
  • The models are directly interfaced to the Optimum Capacitor Finder and Optimum Inductor Finder GUIs deployed with the FDK for easy use.

EMX: EMX is based on the Fast Multipole method combined with a patent-pending approach to recognize geometric regularity in IC layouts for efficient electromagnetic (EM) simulation. EMX exhibits several important features:

  • UMC has found that the simulation of its capacitors takes only a couple of minutes for a full broadband sweep.
  • EMX automatically handles metal bias, substrate, vias and dummy fill; all features that have a dramatic impact on capacitor performance.
  • EMX works directly off the final mask layout and handles features of UMC's layouts such as slotting rules and via arrays with no manual editing.
  • EMX can now be accessed directly from the FDK for simulation of custom designs.
  • EMX can do variational DFM analysis; this includes accounting for process variations and metal layout variations to maximize parametric yield.

About Integrand Software, Inc.

Integrand Software, Inc. provides electronic design automation (EDA) software for high frequency, RF and Mixed Signal integrated circuits (ICs). Integrand's customers include foundries, semiconductor design houses, and individual designers. Integrand is creating unique tools for the analysis and synthesis of IC and package designs. Integrand's patent-pending technologies allow designers to accurately and efficiently simulate the behavior of passive components and interconnect. These capabilities shorten design cycles and let companies design substantially better products with less risk. For more information about Integrand, visit

Note From UMC Concerning Forward-Looking Statements
Some of the statements in the foregoing announcement are forward looking within the meaning of the U.S. Federal Securities laws, including statements about future outsourcing, wafer capacity, technologies, business relationships and market conditions. Investors are cautioned that actual events and results could differ materially from these statements as a result of a variety of factors, including conditions in the overall semiconductor market and economy; acceptance and demand for products from UMC; and technological and development risks.

EMX is a registered trademark and EMX-Continuum, Optimum Inductor Finder and Optimum Capacitor Finder are trademarks of Integrand. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


聯華電子 新聞聯絡

顏勝德 (Sandy Yen)

+886-2-2700-6999 ext. 6968

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