May 23, 2007


聯華電子與明導國際 (Mentor Graphics) 今日 (23日) 共同宣佈,已針對類比混合訊號 (AMS) 系統單晶片設計推出了新的設計參考流程。此流程包含整合了設計擷取、資料管理與驗證等功

聯華電子與明導國際協力開發此混合訊號設計參考流程,以滿足 AMS 系統單晶片技術所帶來的更高標準的整合需求。此設計參考流程實現了可將系統層劃分、高層交換及系統驗證,囊括於整個流程中的設計法則。明導國際的 ADVance MS™、ADiT™ 與 Design Architect®-IC 產品皆包含在此流程內。聯華電子與明導國際以超寬頻 (UWB) 收發器設計成功地進行了系統模擬,驗證了這個設計參考流程。

“透過我們與明導國際的合作,此全晶片混合訊號收發器參考設計,在我們的 0.13 奈米混合訊號製程上,成功地進行了驗證。”聯華電子矽智財與設計支援處劉康懋處長表示,“這樣的成果證明了此設計參考流程已能協助晶片設計公司,順利產出其他種類的複雜類比混合訊號產品。”

“在進行多種應用產品的射頻系統單晶片設計時,設計內容日益增多成為設計時的挑戰”明導國際深次微米部門資深副總裁暨總經理陳志賢表示,“我們與聯華電子就此設計參考流程進行密切地合作,以因應射頻系統設計與驗證的複雜性。採用具備了 DA-IC 與 ADVance MS 的行為模組,將可大幅提昇類比混合訊號系統單晶片設計的效能,並且嘉惠我們雙方的客戶。”

聯華電子與明導國際將在今年六月四日至七日,於美國加州聖地牙哥會議中心所舉辦的設計自動化大會 (Design Automation Conference) 上展示此設計參考流程。雙方將分別參與對方在各自攤位 (聯華電子攤位號碼 4074,明導國際攤位號碼 3676) 上所舉行的演講,將與客戶解說此設計參考流程

About Mentor Graphics

Mentor Graphics Corporation (Nasdaq: MENT) is a world leader in electronic hardware and software design solutions, providing products, consulting services and award-winning support for the world's most successful electronics and semiconductor companies. Established in 1981, the company reported revenues over the last 12 months of about $800 million and employs approximately 4,250 people worldwide. Corporate headquarters are located at 8005 S.W. Boeckman Road, Wilsonville, Oregon 97070-7777. World Wide Web site:

Note From UMC Concerning Forward-Looking Statements
Some of the statements in the foregoing announcement are forward looking within the meaning of the U.S. Federal Securities laws, including statements about future outsourcing, wafer capacity, technologies, business relationships and market conditions. Investors are cautioned that actual events and results could differ materially from these statements as a result of a variety of factors, including conditions in the overall semiconductor market and economy; acceptance and demand for products from UMC; and technological and development risks.

Mentor Graphics, ADVance MS and Design Architect-IC are registered trademarks and ADiT is a trademark of Mentor Graphics Corporation. All other company or product names are the registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners.


聯華電子 新聞聯絡

顏勝德 (Sandy Yen)

+886-2-2700-6999 ext. 6968

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