Reusable intellectual property (IP) is rapidly becoming essential to the design of advanced semiconductors. |
We are entering an era in which reusable intellectual property (IP) is rapidly becoming essential to the design of advanced semiconductors. This presents opportunities as well as challenges to IP developers, semiconductor designers, and foundries. Among the most basic issues is the security of IP - how its integrity and its content can be preserved and protected throughout a complex process that begins from an idea to the finished product. |
This document represents our formal commitment to IP protection. The policies on how IP is handled by UMC employees and how we audit compliance with these policies are described in detail. We will gladly respond to any of your questions regarding these policies and are eager to hear your suggestions on how they can be improved. |
However, we all know that policies, procedures, and contracts are meaningless unless they are based on an underlying philosophy of trust and respect. That is why UMC bases its IP policies on three principles : |
We insist on honesty when dealing with our customers and ourselves.
Long-term partnerships provide the greatest success and can only exist in an atmosphere of respect and mutual support.
UMC is committed to the success of our partners; only when that is achieved can we too achieve our goals.