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Stan Hung
Stan Hung |
Stan Hung is chairman and chief strategic officer of UMC. Mr. Hung joined UMC in 1991 and has served as UMC's Chief Financial Officer and senior vice president. In 2004, Institutional Investor Magazine recognized Mr. Hung as the semiconductor sector's best CFO in their Asia Equities Market Report. Mr. Hung concurrently serves as chairman and chief strategic officer of Faraday Technology Corporation, Silicon Integrated Systems Corp., chairman of Fortune Venture Capital Corp., TLC Capital Co., Ltd. and UMC Capital Corp., director of Triknight Capital Corporation and United Microelectronics (Europe) B.V.. Mr. Hung received a bachelor degree in accounting from Tamkang University in 1982. |
SC Chien
SC Chien |
SC Chien is director and president of UMC, has more than 30 years of semiconductor R&D experience. Mr. Chien joined UMC from 1989 and used to be the head of advanced technology development, specialty technology development and customer engineering departments. Mr. Chien is the representative institutional director of Hsun Chieh Investment Co., Ltd. and also serves as director of Fortune Venture Capital Corp., TLC Capital Co., Ltd., Unimicron Technology Corp. and UMC Capital Corp.. Mr. Chien received a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from National Taiwan University. |
Jason Wang
Jason Wang |
Jason Wang is director and president of UMC. Mr. Wang is the representative institutional director of Silicon Integrated Systems Corp. Mr. Wang serves as a board member of UMC GROUP (USA) since 2004 and joined UMC as Vice President of Corporate Marketing in 2008, and from 2009 to 2014, served as President of UMC GROUP (USA) responsible for business operation efficiency enhancement and UMC North America strategic business development. Before joining UMC, Mr. Wang spent 18 years at Trident Microsystems in various leadership positions including vice president of Trident's Business Operations and Finance (Asia). Mr. Wang concurrently serves as director of Fortune Venture Capital Corp., TLC Capital Co., Ltd., UMC Group (USA), United Microelectronics (Europe) B.V., UMC Capital Corp., United Microtechnology Corporation (California) and eJoule International Limited. |
Lih J. Chen
Independent director
Lih J. Chen |
Lih J. Chen is independent director of UMC, and also the convener of Audit Committee and the lead independent director. Professor Chen is a Distinguished Chair Professor at National Tsing Hua University and Academician at Academia Sinica. He was also the President of National Tsing Hua University and the Deputy Ministers of National Science Council. Professor Chen is an expert in materials science, his research fields include metal silicides, thin film materials and nanomaterials, and has made great contributions to the research of semiconductor electronic materials. Professor Chen received a Ph.D. in physics at University of California, Berkeley in 1974. |
Jyuo-Min Shyu
Independent director
Jyuo-Min Shyu |
Jyuo-Min Shyu is independent director of UMC, and also the convener of Sustainable Development and Nominating Committee. Professor Shyu is an Emeritus Professor at National Tsing Hua University. He was also the Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the President of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). During his service at ITRI, Professor Shyu established several forward-looking R&D alliances and the SoC Technology Center for the trend of System-on-a-chip. Professor Shyu concurrently serves as independent director of Qisda Corporation and Far Eastone Telecommunications Co., Ltd., director of Iridium Medical Technology Co., Ltd. and Alpha Ring Asia Inc.. He received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at University of California, Berkeley in 1988. |
Kuang Si Shiu
Independent director
Kuang Si Shiu |
Kuang Si Shiu is independent director of UMC, and also the convener of Remuneration Committee. Mr. Shiu concurrently serves as independent director of Yuanta Financial Holdings Co., Ltd. and Yuanta Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.. Mr. Shiu served in financial supervision and financial institutions for over 30 years, he was also formerly Chairman & President of Mega Financial Holding Co., Ltd. and Mega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd., Chairman of Hua Nan Financial Holdings Co., Ltd., Hua Nan Commercial Bank Ltd. and Land Bank of Taiwan Co., Ltd.. Mr. Shiu received a MBA degree in Indiana University in 1978. |
Wen-Hsin Hsu
Independent director
Wen-Hsin Hsu |
Wen-Hsin Hsu is independent director of UMC, and also the convener of Capital Budget Committee. Professor Hsu is professor at the Department of Accounting at National Taiwan University. Professor Hsu is Director of Global MBA in National Taiwan University from 2019, Associate Dean of International affairs of College of Management School in National Taiwan University from 2020. Professor Hsu concurrently serves as independent director of Unitech Printed Circuit Board Corp., and ANT Precision Industry Co., Ltd., also the CFO & SEVP of Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. Professor Hsu received a Ph.D. degree in Accounting & Finance from Lancaster University in 2006. |
Ling-Ling Wu
Independent director
Ling-Ling Wu |
Ling-Ling Wu is independent director of UMC. Professor Wu is professor at the Department of Information Management at National Taiwan University and concurrently serves as independent director of Hycon Technology Corp.. She was independent director of Faraday Technology Corp., Unimicron Technology Corp., ITE Technology Inc. and Crystalwise Technology Inc.. Professor Wu received a Ph.D. degree in Psychology from University of Chicago in 1995. |
Su Lin Wang
Independent director
Su Lin Wang |
Su Lin Wang is independent director of UMC. Mrs. Wang is Adjunct Specialist Professor at Institute of International Business at National Cheng Kung University and concurrently serves as independent director of Jess-Link products Co., Ltd. and AVerMedia Technologies, Inc. Mrs. Wang was Senior Vice President & Corp. CFO of Delta Electronics., Inc. During her service period, Ms. Wang assisted to spin off the group's business unit into an independent subsidiary and to list the company in HKEX, she also established a matrix management organization to enable regional units and business units to collaborate and improve operational performance. Mrs. Wang received a Master in Finance of National Taiwan University in 2004. |
The UMC Board of Directors comprises of 9 members, including 6 seats for independent directors and 3 serve as administrative directors. Two third of the director seats are filled by independent directors. There are 3 seats currently reserved for a female director. Based on our policy of gender equality, UMC will increase the female director seats progressively.
The tenures of independent directors are also diversified; there are 2 directors that has served for 6 years, 2 directors for 3 years and 2 directors newly elected on May 30, 2024.
The board of UMC is composed of members with diversified backgrounds of industry, government and academy. The experiences of board members include the president of national university, academician of Academia Sinica, the Minister of Science and Technology, the president of ITRI, the financial experts in finance, accounting and strategy management fields, the professionals from the semiconductor industry and the management team of ICT industries and financial institutions. The directors meet basic criteria and professionalism requirements, and through activities of the sub-committees, can also contribute their experiences to supervise and govern issues related to corporate governance, environmental sustainability, corporate social responsibility, legal compliance and human rights protection.
All independent directors meet the restriction of the Regulations Governing Appointment of Independent Directors and Compliance Matters for Public Companies for other mandates, each independent director concurrently does not serve as an independent director for more than 3 listed companies. Please refer to UMC’s website for the details:
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The Company conducts annual self-evaluation of the performance of the Board of Directors, its functional committees and individual board member based on the “Rules for Performance Evaluation of the Board of Directors" approved by the Board of Directors. The performance results are graded as "Excellent", "Good", or "Room for Improvement". The Nominating Committee conducted the self-evaluation for 2023 of the Board of Directors, Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, other functional committees(Capital Budget Committee and Nominating Committee) and individual board members and reported the result to the Nominating Committee and Board of Directors on February 27, 2024. The evaluation content is listed below, and the performance result was "Excellent". The Chief Corporate Governance Officer will persist in improving communication with directors to enhance the quality of the Board of Directors' meetings.
(1)Familiarity with the goals and missions of the company;
(2)Awareness of the duties of a director;
(3)Participation in the operation of the company;
(4)Management of internal relationship and communication;
(5)The director's professionalism and continuing education; and
(6)Internal control.
Evaluation period:2023/1/1~2023/12/31.
Performance result:Excellent.
To improve the operating efficiency of the Board of Directors and enhance corporate governance, “The Rules for Performance Evaluation of the Board of Directors" was revised by UMC and approved by the Board of Directors in October of 2017, which requires the Company's board performance evaluation to be conducted by an external independent professional institution or a panel of external experts and scholars at least once every three years.
The Company engaged with an external independent institution, Taiwan Corporate Governance Association, a professional institution is independent and has no business relation with the Company, to conduct an assessment on board performance, and completed the evaluation on October 25, 2023. The assessment comprised of 8 scopes including Composition, Direction, Authorization, Monitoring, Communication, Internal control, Risk management and Discipline of the Board, and the external institution executed the review through online self-assessment and interview. The assessment report was released on December 8, 2023 and reported to the Nominating Committee and the Board on December 13, 2023.
The report concluded that UMC paid significant attention to the professionalism and diversity of the composition of the Board, and rigorously selected qualified candidates based on the Company's development needs and strategic goals. The seats of independent directors and female directors has exceeded the regulatory requirements, the Company has made leading arrangements with international perspective and which is praiseworthy. Board members actively speak on various issues and directly communicate with the management, the Board share a good culture with aggressive and effective benefits. The Board focused the importance in sustainable development and risk management issues, which not only integrated sustainable goals with business operations, but also linked employee compensations with the achievement of ESG KPIs, which will strive to enhance the effectiveness of sustainable management. The Company emphasized on the development and cultivation of high-level management, and the succession plan in management team to reserve talents for the company's sustainable development. The report addressed a recommendation on renaming the Nomination Committee to the Sustainability and Nominating Committee, and improving the relevant rules and regulations of the ESG organization, in order to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the Board. The Company amended the Articles of Incorporation to rename the Nomination Committee to the Sustainable Development and Nominating Committee in annual general meeting on May 30th, 2024, and gradually implement the improvement plan in accordance with the recommendations of the report.
To ensure a fair, just, and open election of directors, the nomination and election procedures of the Company’s directors shall be complied with the Company Act and all related laws and regulations. The organizational culture, business model and long-term development of the Company shall be taken into consideration to the composition of the Board members. The criteria established to ensure the diversity of the Board members shall include but not limited to the following three dimensions:
Each board member shall possess the indispensable knowledge, skill, and experience to perform their duties; the capabilities with which the Board as a whole shall equip include the followings: business acumen, knowledge of accounting and financial analysis, business management, crisis management, industry knowledge, global perspective, leadership and decision-making.
At least one among the independent directors of the Company shall be an accounting or finance professional.
No independent director of the Company may concurrently serve as an independent director of more than three other public companies.
Each director must be held by a person having neither a spousal relationship nor a relationship within the second degree of kinship with any other directors.
The performance assessment of the Board shall be reviewed annually according to the assessment guideline and procedure of the Company, and will be conducted by an external independent professional institution or a panel of external experts at least once every three years; the results will be referenced for nomination and election of the directors.
Nomination and Election |
The Company shall have nine (9) to eleven (11) directors who serve a term of three years, elected at the shareholders’ meeting from persons of legal capacity through a nominating system adopted from 2006. A director may be re-elected. |
At least three (3) directors or one-fifth of all directors, whichever is higher, shall be independent directors. Their qualifications, shareholding limitations, whether or not they concurrently serve in other positions, methods of nomination and election, and other related matters shall be subject to applicable laws. |
According to Article 192-1 of the R.O.C. Company Act, UMC announced on March 8, 2024, the period for accepting the nomination of director candidates (including independent directors), the number of directors to be elected, the place designated for accepting the roster of director nominees and other necessary matters. Any shareholder holding 1% or more of the outstanding shares of the Company may nominate candidate(s) for directors in writing. Any shareholder qualified to nominate may submit nominee(s) to the director, and shall send, during the nomination period from March 22 to April 2, 2024, the name, educational background, past work experience of the nominee(s), and other relevant documents to UMC via registered mail sent to the Finance Division of the Company. There were no nominations from stockholders except those from the Board during the nomination period. |
Meeting Date | Major Resolutions |
2024.01.08 |
Approved capital budget execution |
2024.01.25 |
Approved a collaboration with Intel on a development of a 12 nm process platform |
2024.02.27 |
Approved the 2023 Business Report and Financial Statements Approved the 2023 distributable compensation for employees and directors Approved the 2023 Earnings Distribution Chart Approved the Cancellation of Restricted Shares to Employees Stock Awards Approved the issuance of Restricted Stock Awards Approved the date of convening the 2024 Annual General Meeting, meeting agenda and submission period for shareholder proposals Approved capital budget execution Approved the capital injection to subsidiary UMC CAPITAL CORP. Approved UMC's donation to UMC Science and Culture Foundation |
2024.03.22 |
Approved to participate in the capital increase of Faraday Technology Corp. |
2024.04.24 |
Approved the Q1, 2024 Consolidated Financial Statements Approved capital budget execution Approved the Cancellation of Restricted Shares to Employees Stock Awards |
2024.05.30 |
Stan Hung is elected as Chairman unanimously by the Board of Directors Approved to appoint members of capital budget committee Approved to appoint members of the 4th term of nominating committee Approved to appoint members of the 6th term of remuneration committee |
2024.06.12 |
Approved the adjustment of 2023 cash dividend ratio Approved the record date for 2023 cash dividend |
2024.07.31 |
Approved the Q2, 2024 Consolidated Financial Statements Approved capital budget execution Approved the Cancellation of Restricted Shares to Employees Stock Awards |
2024.10.30 |
Approved the Q3, 2024 Consolidated Financial Statements Approved the Cancellation of Restricted Shares to Employees Stock Awards |
2024.12.18 |
Approved capital budget execution Approved to sign Corporate Power Purchase Agreement with Fengmiao Wind Power Co., Ltd. |