UMC established its GHG inventory standard mechanism in accordance with inventory guidelines defined by domestic and international organizations such as the ISO14064-1:2018, World Resources Institute’s Greenhouse Gas Protocol and GHG Inventory Guidance in Taiwan. Since 2006, the Company has inventoried the GHG emissions of all fabs annually to verify the effectiveness of reduction measures. Furthermore, UMC’s all consolidated subsidiaries introduced the GHG inventory mechanism and conduct third-party verification to fully determine the status of GHG emissions.
Through carbon footprint and GHG inventories, the Company learned that the main GHG sources are the fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-GHGs) used in the manufacturing process in Scope 1, and from purchased electricity in Scope 2. These emissions account for about 95% of UMC overall GHG emissions. Therefore, GHG reduction of both F-GHGs and purchased electricity have become the priority for UMC. Through low-carbon production processes, UMC produces products with relatively low carbon footprints. All UMC facilities have implemented reduction plans, and all products use low-carbon processes.
Additionally, UMC continues to develop low-power consumption products through the research and development of energy-saving innovative process platforms, which helps avoid carbon emissions during the product end-use phase.
In 2023, based on actual production capacity, UMC Group's Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions presented an absolute reduction of 26% as compared to the base year (2020). Even under full capacity scenarios, a reduction of 12% is still achievable, demonstrating the Group's commitment to decarbonization regardless of capacity fluctuations, and making a tangible contribution to global greenhouse gas reduction.
UUMC established the F-GHGs Reduction Taskforce in 1999 to promote GHG reduction. Moreover, the company set GHG reduction goals for the various phases of the program, and has continually conducted reduction measures such as installing high performance local scrubbers for F-GHGs in all new equipment, and utilizing NF3 gases in new CVD equipment to keep emission intensity in a downward trend.
In addition, based on the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) 1680.1:2018 standards, jointly created by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the overall F-GHG reduction rates achieved at all 12-inch wafer fabs of UMC and its subsidiaries were all higher than the standard threshold requirement of 75%.
UMC IEEE F-GHG Reduction Declaration
Intensity of F-GHGs Emissions