Dec 15, 2014


聯華電子與德商英飛凌今 (15日) 共同宣布,擴展製造夥伴關係到汽車電子的功耗半導體領域。在此之前,聯華電子已為英飛凌生產邏輯晶片逾 15 年時間。而根據近期簽訂的協議,已通過汽車業驗證的英飛凌 Smart Power Technology (SPT9),將在雙方攜手合作下,轉移至聯華電子並擴展至 12 吋廠生產,預計 2018 年初開始在聯華電子台灣的 12 吋廠產出英飛凌 SPT9 產品。

SPT9 為英飛凌自有的 0.13 微米製程技術,結合了微控制器智能與功耗技術於單一晶方。

聯華電子執行長顏博文表示:「很榮幸宣布此次與英飛凌立下的合作里程碑,將其 SPT9 納入聯華電子技術藍圖。在我們的技術,產能與客戶上,汽車電子應用皆佔有重要的地位。很高興擴展與英飛凌的夥伴關係,邁入尖端的功耗半導體領域。聯華電子擁有卓越的製造實力,使我們能夠達到汽車業品質標準的最高等級 Grade 0,並承諾致力滿足汽車產業嚴格要求的期許,以因應如英飛凌這樣汽車晶片供應廠的市場需要。」

英飛凌車用電子事業處總裁 Jochen Hanebeck 表示:「我們相信聯華電子有能力充分滿足汽車產業對英飛凌的高度要求,可提供長期且穩定的製造服務,是我們創新與可靠的製造夥伴。英飛凌擁有豐厚的系統專業,是車用功耗應用的技術領導者。藉由 SPT9 技術,本公司可賦予功耗半導體領先業界的高度整合性。」

About Infineon's SPT9

SPT9's highly integrated system solutions approach for automotive electronics
In order to satisfy the demands of automotive applications for more functionality and safety as well as compact and cost-optimized solutions, an increasing amount of digital logic is required in power semiconductors. In 2009, Infineon was the world’s first semiconductor manufacturer to offer an automotive-qualified embedded power technology in 130nm technology node that combines complex digital logic circuits, sensor interfaces and power electronics. Combining building blocks that are actually manufactured in three different production process technologies enables semiconductor devices that are highly integrated and take over many tasks of other system components. Since fewer components are required in the application, the vulnerability of automotive control systems to faults is reduced. With SPT9, even semiconductors offering massive functionality are very small in size. SPT9 applications are varied, ranging from intelligent control for small electric motors in vehicles, such as used for power window lifts, wipers, sun roofs, power seats and fan/blower control, oil and water pumps, to airbags, and audio amplifiers.


聯華電子 新聞聯絡

金百佳 (Judy Jin)

+886-2-2658-9168 ext. 16902

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